SONON’s high-quality imaging technology is ideal for common primary care applications. Practitioners can use high-quality imaging to boost treatment efficiency, increasing the speed of diagnosis while simultaneously increasing diagnosis accuracy. The information obtained through viewing SONON’s high-quality ultrasound images on a desktop or mobile device can allow practitioners to confidently determine if secondary or tertiary care is necessary
SONON fits right in your hand and easily in your pocket. This improved portability allows you to scan everywhere you go.
This device is well-suited for primary care practitioners as SONON costs less than 1/10 the price of traditional ultrasound machines.
Needle Vision
US Guided Fluid Aspiration
Screening DVT Scan
Pain Control
Cervical dilation
SONON offers one of the longest scanning times among handheld ultrasound devices. It provides up to 3 hours of continuous scanning with up to 12 hours of standby mode